Information society - omg its over!

Finally we have finished the "information society" module.
This feels so great cause it was a kind of boring module according to me and it just ate up all time for two weeks. If we wouldnt have had tons of other tasks to do at the same time im sure it would have been alot funnier and we could have done it more careful and accurate.
Anyways, enough with the complaining :P, i think we did a good job and got a pretty good picture of the digital media market in China and India. And i think we gave the class a nice lecture about it :).

One of the other tasks we had during these two weeks was making a 15sec motion movie in Adobe after effects. It turned out pretty good and i will post it here asap. Keep in mind that this was my first time using after effects ^^.

Another task was to make this blogg... atm its looking kind of lame >< i know this. But now when i (hopefully) have some more time i will pimp it up and write some more.

That's it for now... have a nice day :).

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